
  • Fill in the membership application form that can be downloaded from our website or obtained from our offices stated below (17).
  • Download and fill the Email Indemnity Form and attach it to the application form.
  • Attach a copy of national Identity card, KRA pin certificate, a photocopy of either MBChB, BDS or Bpharm certificate, and/or Board license or retention certificate with two recent passport photos.
  • Once completed, submit the hard copies of the application documents together with the joining fee of Ksh 3,000/=
  • Payment can be made through the KMA Sacco Bank Accounts (shared below) or via MPesa Pay Bill No. 540900 (Use ID No./Membership No. as the account No.)

  • Attractive dividends on shares and interest on deposits
  • A wide range of loan products at competitive interest rates
  • Saving enables one to put aside reserves for his/her future and qualify for bigger loan
  • A variety of Insurance products and services
  • Fixed deposits with very attractive returns

  • This is the money invested in the Sacco by the members/shareholders. It is a long term source of finance and represents a unit of ownership. All SACCO’s are required by law to have minimum share capital. In KMA Sacco the minimum is Ksh.100,000
  • Upon withdrawal from membership of the SACCO, the share capital is non-refundable. It may be transferred to another member of KMA RNWDT SACCO.
  • Members are not permitted to borrow against share capital

  • These are monthly savings made to the Sacco by the members and are non- withdrawable except upon complete termination of membership or upon death of the member.
  • In the event of a members death, the nominated next of kin will be paid twice(x2) the deceased members’ Sacco deposit savings at the time of death
  • The mandatory Minimum Monthly contribution is Kes, 5,000.00 for principal members and Ksh1,000.00 for members by introduction.

  • Sacco deposits can be used as collateral to secure & guarantee loans.
  • Fixed deposit can earn you a good annual return while at the same time can be used as a security for loans obviating the need for guarantors

KMA Regulated NON WDT Sacco is a predominantly doctor’s SACCO by membership and governance. This gives doctors a sense of ownership and focus on their unique needs.

  • Members applying for a loan must have saved consistently for six months prior to applying for a loan
  • Dormant members and delinquent borrowers will be required to regularize their accounts and consistently meet their minimum monthly savings obligations for six months before consideration for loans except when borrowing within their savings
  • Dormant members are those members who are in arrears on their mandatory minimum monthly obligation by one or more months.
  • Delinquent borrowers are those that have defaulted on their loan repayment obligation

One is entitled to borrow up to two times, three times, four times and five times of Sacco deposits depending on the loan product and ability to pay. The statutory maximum loan to one member as per our Bylaws should not exceed 20% of total deposits.

Yes, one can have more than one loan simultaneously provided one is able to service all the loans and qualifies as provided for in the product terms and conditions. However, the loans must be from different loan categories.

  • There is no specific number of guarantors needed. No guarantor is required if the loan is within a member’s savings.
  • The Total sum guaranteed is equal to the loan amount applied for.
  • No guarantors are needed when applying for Asset financing loan, Home loan and Equity release loan.

  • Guaranteeing someone does not stop one from taking a loan.
  • One can self-guarantee and also guarantee more than one person provided they have sufficient uncommitted Sacco deposits to do so.

A member can transfer his/her deposits from another SACCO to KMA Regulated NON WDT Sacco as long as the former SACCO draws the amount in favor of KMA REGULATED NON WDT SACCO LTD. A member who does so is treated as an old member even if he has just joined the Sacco that means he can apply for a loan immediately.

  • A beneficiary is the person nominated by a member to receive the proceeds of any payable funds upon the death of the member
  • All members are required to provide details of beneficiary or beneficiaries upon registration as members.
  • One can formally change and/or update his/her beneficiary information as and when need be by completing a Nominee form.

  • The Sacco through Tiba Insurance Agencies (A Division of Medifinance Ltd, a holding company owned 99% by KMA Regulated NON WDT Sacco) has teamed up with leading Insurance companies to provide a wide range of Insurance products: Medical Insurance, Motor Insurance, Professional Indemnity, WIBA, travel Insurance, Clinic combined insurance, Deposit for life cover, Life Assurance among others.
  • All these insurance products and services are processed at the convenience of your office.

  • KMA Regulated NON WDT Sacco is located at KMA Centre, 4TH floor, Mara Road, Upperhill, Nairobi.
  • KMA Regulated NON WDT Sacco can also be reached at:
    • PO Box 413-00202, Nairobi
    • Tel: 020 2675620/0722519037/0715993872
    • Email: customercare@kmasacco.com / info@kmasacco.com
    • Website : www.kmasacco.com
    • Facebook: Kenya Medical Association SACCO
    • Twitter:@kmasacco
    • Linkedn : KMA Regulated Non WDT Sacco Ltd
    • Instagram: kmasacco
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